Hi, folks

Here is one question concerning "Authomated" mode. Currently (7.1), in
this mode you get "everything" except for "dangerous" server-packages
installed, if there is enough place on your HD.

>From your recent posts, I got the impression that having a following
screen pop-up during Authomated install would make lot of people happy:


        Choose the number of installed packages X (Y MB)

      |                   ## <- This is a slider         |
      |                   ##                             |
   MINIMAL                                          "EVERYTHING"

    [ ] Games
    [ ] Server applications
    [ ] Handicaped user

HELP TEXT: Authomatic install will on default provide you with a
standard workstation. By moving the slider, you can choose the amount 
of software you want to install on your system: Even if you choose a
minimal version, you will get a simple, but still rather confortable
working enviroment. "Everything" installes everything, except for games
and server aplications, unless corresponding checkboxes are checked. 
"handicaped user" installs some hanidicaped-friendly programs, and lowers
the priority of wiz-biz graphical programs.  
Real gamers should obviously check "Games", And checking "Server
application" would fire a warning "This can be dangerous, bla, bla...

Now the questions are:

1) Is this soemthing you wold like to have, that is - would any of you
actually make use of authomated install with this option.
2) Is this option clear enough?
3) What about the three checkboxes?


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