Does this mean I can go ahead and install the 3 cd's I got with the cheapo
version of "7.0 complete" without worrying that I will "degrade" my current
install. And does it mean that I can just throw any distro over mandrake
and pick and choose as to what I feel are the best of each, rolling it into
my own custom version?

You writ:
My Linux setup is a long history of upgrades. Started with RedHat 5.0,
went to RedHat 6.0, dumped Mandrake 6.1 over that, and now I upped it to
Mandrake 7.02. All the programs that are not on the distribution CD keep
working correctly, I have not had any problem with anything yet.
Also setting up the drivers for my AGP videocard (Diamond Speedstar) and
the settings in XF86Config were left alone.


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