On Mon, 29 May 2000, you wrote:
> I want to support what I have! I don't want to buy anything else just for an
> operation system.
> I bought the 2nd hdd especially for Linux!
Go to the Mandrake Users Group site and look through the hardware section.
There is a link to a mini howto on installing a promise card. It also has a
link to the drivers you need. I agree with you the ones from promise suck if
your not running rh. If you d/l the latest driver from the list and use the
mini howto you should be fine.

Sorry I can't give you the links myself but I'm not at my main terminal. You
can get the MUG url from the Mandrake home page.

A word of warning.... When install the patch you will get an error and a msg
saying something about it being Reversed and a queston about install with a -r.
The default is no. Accept that. The next question will ask if you want to
install it anyway.. default=no ... say yes
Also when recompiling the kernel make sure you say yes to "booting from card
first" if you want your drives to be labeled hda, hdb etc.... otherwise it
lists any thing you have mounted on the MB first.

I found it easest to plug my HD into the primary  on the MB install Linux,
patch it, recompile, then shut down and plug back into the promise card.

Also in my case, I can't have anything (cdrom, zip drive) plugged into the
primary onboard slot. Just had to make sure I used the secondary and leave the
primary empty.

Hope this helps, I know how frusrtating it can be


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