Hi Jeff:

Thanks for the email.

1) how can i get into/edit Lilo (really a newie :) )?

2) i did not fdisk /mbr yet coz my boot disk won't work! I don't know, I 
created it during installation and tried booting from it, it just gives me 
Error 0X10.  I tried viewing the file contents in Linux and the reply was 
'can't read the contents of the disk'...just wondering what's wrong.

I have reinstalled everything and I can boot up properly but the boot disk 
still does not work. And the X config and X res does not work either.


>From: "Jeffrey B. Ferland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Jeffrey B. Ferland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [newbie] HELP 2!!!
>Date: 30 May 2000 14:09:24 -0000
> >I tried re-booting and it went to Kudzu and identified my external modem 
> >still that blinking command console.
> >
> >I turned off the computer and re-booted again. This time it won't go to
> >Linux. I pressed 'Tab' and the following 4 options came out:
> >
> >1) linux-fb
> >2) windows
> >3) floppy
> >4) linux
> >
> >Both linux-fb and linux gave this error: block mover error 0xAE
> >
> >The floppy gives, 0X10.
> >
> >I tried to type rescue and gave the same error: 0X10.
> >
> >Would greatly appreciate ur help.
>1) Try to boot into Linux. If you can get in, reconfigure LILO. Take out
>EVERYTHING, then put in linux, and win(doze).  Set each one to the right
>type (linux to linux native/ext2, win to other OS/DOS).
>2) If that don't work, go to dos, and type "fdisk /mbr" Hope you made a
>Linux boot disk or you will be re-installing after that.

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