On Tue, 30 May 2000, you wrote:
> Just out of curiosity - IDE or SCSI?  I don't remember seeing you specifing 
> anywhere (but I missed the begining of this thread).
> > charles,
> > it's an oemmer for sure and when i called panasonic they said it was too
> > new for the drivers to be on their website. My source(computer123)
> > promised manual, cables Adaptec cd and a 10 pack of recordable media
> > which they provided with the exception of the manual. Windows won't
> > recognize it; Linux will, but only to read from...caveat emptor i
> > guess...
> > =michael=
> > 
> > 
> Ty C. Mixon
> F.T.C. Enterprises
> ICQ 26147713
-- PROBLEM SOLVED!!!!!thanks for replying!

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