Denis....not allowing them to fiddle around with release
numbers would be a good thing, I hope you're correct.


Denis HAVLIK wrote:
> :~>It will still be confusing to many folks if, like they did
> :~>with 6.1, MacMillan decides to market 7.1 as 7.5!!  Their
> :~>excuse was that more people will purchase an upgrade sequenced
> :~>by .5 than would have bought it sequenced if sequenced by only
> :~>.1.  Sheesh!!
> AFAIK this is not allowed by our new contract. And there will be only one
> pack in english-speaking countries - from McMillan.
> cu
>         Denis
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Denis Havlik                <>
> Mandrakesoft            |||     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Quality Assurance      (@ @)    (private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> -------------------oOO--(_)--OOo---------------------
> Newbies aren't necessarily stupid nor uninformed, just lacking in
> experience with this specific OS. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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