On Wed, 31 May 2000, Andy wrote:

>---- *Now, I can have my menu the way I want. But Paul still can't set the*
>---- *window raising as he want to do it (raising a window when he clicks*
>---- *anywhere on it). And I would also be interrested in knowing how to do*
> ----*it.*
>I dont really get what you mean...? Do you just mean to move the windows up
>and down? because i do it by hitting alt+L i think it is or ctrl+L and then
>moving the window, then i maximize it.

Hi Andy,

The problem I had, and still am working on, is this:

I see the bottom of a konsole window 'behind' my pine window. I want to
pull that konsole to the front, to have that 'over' the pine window.
So far I have found that in .blackboxrc I can set the focus mode to
'AutoRaiseSloppyFocus'. With that, I move the mouse over a window and it
is raised (pops to the front) automatically. I like that better than the
default "SloppyFocus", but I would like to know if there is something like
"RaiseOnClick". That is how I have KDE set up, and that way works best for
me. SloppyFocus only points the view to the window that the mouse is over,
but does not raise it until you click the title-bar, and that is not
always in sight.

I hope this brings things across more clear...



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