On Tue, 30 May 2000, philomena wrote:

Interestingly enough, my system suffers from the same deficiency.

I have to do a "chmod a+rw /dev" for /mixer, /dsp and /midi, as well as a
chmod 666 for the cdrom's music options everytime I boot the system. I
slapped them in .bashrc for root, since I always (on purpose set this
up) have to log in as root to activate the ISDN dial-up. That way it
always gets set up when I start things.

I guess I can put them in rc.local also, but sometimes when changing from
X to other consoles (alt-f...) and back, the sound options get messed up
again. Then I log in as root again, exit that login, pop back to X
(alt-f7) and things are fine again.


>Tried that and no good. There are a few odd things now - when running
>sndconfig and the sample sound is attempted, an error is displayed about not
>accessing /dev/audio. I checked the permissions and it was set to root/sys. I
>changed it to root/audio and also root/root - made no difference. Same
>problem happens now when I try to run kmixer - trouble accessing /dev/mixer.
>Changing the permissions 'seem' to help - at least mixer will run, but then,
>if I reboot - it all goes back to how it was. When running the sound config
>tool in Drakconf/Hardware, the test sound will play, but when clicking OK, an
>error message is displayed about accessing the directory you mentioned -
>/dev/dsp, even after your suggested change. Also, if in the KDE Control
>Center I try to display system information about sound, nothing is listed for
>any of the devices. I figure the driver has to be OK if CDs play, but I don't
>know where to look for this .wav problem, especially since all was fine in
>7.02. I can't seem to find documentation about trouble-shooting sound
>Paul wrote:
>> On Mon, 29 May 2000, philomena wrote:
>> Try this one (as root):
>> chmod a+rw /dev/dsp


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