I stand to be corrected but doesn't windoze have to be on the primary master ?

On Wed, 31 May 2000, you wrote:
> Aaron wrote:
> > 
> > Linux is on the primary disc (hda) and win98 is on the secondary disc (hdb).
> > I tried adding it to lilo but when I choose win98 at boot it doesn't do
> > anything.  Do I have to do anything to win98 to make this work?  What do I
> > need to do?
> > Thanks,
> > Aaron
> Could you post your /etc/lilo.conf file and describe what exactly
> happens when you try to boot zinblows? (or maybe you will be able to
> solve the problem by yourself if you read the man lilo.conf)
> Flupke
* How can I Automount my brain at boot time ? *

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