On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, vern wrote:

>"Mark D. Flood" wrote:
>> Processing files: I810Gtt
>> Two files on one line: /lib/modules/2.2.13-7mdk/misc/wavefront.o:
>> File must begin with "/": unresolved
>> Two files on one line: /lib/modules/2.2.13-7mdk/misc/wavefront.o:
>> File must begin with "/": symbol(s)
>> Two files on one line: /lib/modules/2.2.13-7mdk/misc/eicon.o:
>> File must begin with "/": unresolved
>> Two files on one line: /lib/modules/2.2.13-7mdk/misc/eicon.o:
>> File must begin with "/": symbol(s)
>> PreReq: /bin/sh
>> [root@localhost floppy]# rpm -Uvh /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/I810Gtt*.i386.rpm
>> error: cannot open file /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/I810Gtt*.i386.rpm
>> [root@localhost floppy]#
>This is a "newbie answer" so it may not be worth much but I've run into
>similar problems when using the astrick (*) in part of the file name maybe
>you should type in: /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/I810Gtt-0.1-6.i386.rpm, as far as
>the file format errors above I don't know.

There is a very simple option to avoid typing all that, and still come up
with the right filename.
Type part of the name, e.g. usr/src/RPM/BUILD/I810  and then press the TAB
key. This invokes the autocompletion function of unix. If there is only 1
file that fits the name, the complete name will be finished for
you. Otherwise the candidates for the name will be shown and you can add a
few more letters to the name and hit TAB again.
Get used to it, and you'll love it :)

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