I have 2 cpus connected through a CPU switch (non-powered cheap one) to a
keyboard, mouse, and monitor.

I have to have the switch set to the correct CPU when I power up that CPU,
after the machine is powered up, everything works, including X. Once both
CPUs are up, and X is running, when I switch to CPU A from B the mouse
pointer does not work and is stuck in one spot. To correct this I have to
shut down X and restart it. Then when I switch back to CPU B from A the same
thing happens.

I am running Mandrake 7.1 B3, but this happens with older version as well. I
thought maybe a newer XFree86 might fix the problem, but no luck so far.

This switch works when both machines are running Solaris X86, and Windows.

Any help or pointers (no pun intended) would be appreciated.

Leo Stutzmann

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