    I did not see your post untill last night
as I was leaving for work.
    Did you see Marc's post [newbie]Re: Lilo 1/0. It gives an explanation
for your problem at boot with Lilo.
    Win2000 if you have more than 2 bootable OSs does have its own
bootloader and as I said I can give you the direction for doing so. It does
require editing and though I can tell you how, it is only fair to tell you
that I have not actually done it myself, the direction come from QUE "Using
Win2000 Prfessional".
   Another option if your BIOS allows you to choose which hd it boots first,
you can set it for your second drive install Mandrake and Lilo there and you
should be able to boot either OS and if for some reason that does not work
just change your BIOS back and you will auto boot to Win2000 and/or use a
boot disk to start Linux.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lance" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Charles A Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] trouble with 7.0 deluxe install and lilo

> charles
> thanks for the help! i'm a little confused though: i disabled all of
> norton and my bios doesn't have any anti-virus features active...i dont
> have the win2000 boot loader activated either, and i dont know how to? are
> you saying i can use the win2000 bootloader instead of lilo? if so how?
> cant thank you enough for the help!
> lance
> On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, Charles A Edwards wrote:
> > Lance
> >    You should disable all Norton especially AutoProtect and disable any
> > anti-virus settings in your BIOS. The BIOS setting is the one that
caught me
> > when I first installed Linux on a WIN98/Win2000 system.
> >    If you have fixed your Win2000 MBR if you choose you can add Linux to
> > rather than using LILO as your boot loader.
> >
> >
> >    Charles  :-)

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