On Mon, 12 Jun 2000, iagoba wrote:

> Hi to all,
>       First of all, I want to say Hi to all the people in this list, this is
> my first mail, and hope you can help me.
>       I got some problems with my Clonic Ethernet card, I Installed Mandrake
> 7.0-2 in my computer, in a second partition of 3 GB, (I got Windows 98
> in the other partition), my computer got this characteristics:
> AMD K6-2 500 Mhz.
> 128 MB Ram
> RIVA TNT 2 M64
> 13.0 Gb. HD
> Clonic Ethernet Card 10/100 MB ne2000 compatible.
> CD-ROM 48x
> My Ethernet Card is ISA, 16 bits and PnP, Linux Detect it, but in a
> different I/O address and different IRQ, when I put the correct I/O
> address (240h), and IRQ (11), when I re-initiate my computer, it says
> "Bringing eth0 ................... [OK]"
> but here it finish to initiate Linux, don't loading it and don't making
> Anything, what could be the problem? when I change that I/O or IRQ, it
> says "Bringing eth0 ................. [FAILED]" but initiates Linux,
> (without working the eth0 of course).
>       Hope you could help me.
>                                       Iagoba

Does it work if you boot with the wrong nic settings and then load the
module with the right parameters? (insmod ne io=0x330).

I also heard about some ISA nics that had to be initialized with a DOS
program provided with the drivers before beeing able to work. If this is
your case, you'll have to boot in DOS, run the program, and then boot
linux with loadlin.


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