I'll try that when I get home.
Is that a Netscape bug or Linux bug?

"Tom Brinkman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 06/16/2000 10:44:11 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           
 cc:      (bcc: YUE M. MA/EMPL/MD/Bell-Atl)                   
 Subject: Re: [newbie] What's the              

On Fri, 16 Jun 2000, you wrote:
> Hi there,
> Some time when I closed the Netscape browser 4.7, I found there was a process:
> (or some other name like that, I don't remember clearly), I can
> not kill it by using the kill <pid>, but itconsumed a lot of machine resources
> like the CPU time, memor.. it was on top of the "top" output.
> I tried relogin to X, but it doesn't work, I have to restart the computer to
> kill that process.
> Any suggestions?

    I run a p3-450 at 608mhz on a BX board.  Consequently I have a
wopper cpu heatsink with dual fans (Alpha p3125), and I monitor
temps, voltages, and fans.  I use Khealthcare and dock the cpu's
internal core temp on KDE's panel.  Normally the core runs at 22 to
25C (room temp).

    Even when Nutscrape doesn't freeze, but is just not acting
normally, I'll sometimes see my core temp going up to 39 - 41C.
Sure enough, if I run 'top' I'll see that '' is
churning the system.  Top also gives the pid number.  At a console
prompt I type  'kill -9 <pid number>'  which instantly makes NS
quit, and the core temp return to normal.  Then I re-start NS... no
problem (.... till the next time anyhow ;)
~~   Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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