On Fri, Jun 16, 2000 at 02:00:16PM -0500, thus spake Gary:
> Now I am having a problem with this mail business as I have 3 ISPs.
> So, I figured to make life easier, to use Fetchmail, Procmail,
> Sendmail, along with latest Mutt which of course is a mail agent, so
> must be used with Fet, Proc, and Send programs.  This was installed
> with no problem.  I read the man pages until 4:00 a.m. used Fetchmail
> config and set it up the way I wanted it for the ISPs. .. Turned it on
> (Deamon polling every 15 minutes), and boy can I hear the email coming
> in to my machine.

Bravo!  No mean feat, this.

> OKAY -  now what do I do? Yes, this is funny.  Where is the email?
> Where did it go in my machine.  This is where I am stuck.  It is

Probably in /var/spool/mail.   The place to check is
/var/log/maillog - should tell you where the post ends up

> spooled somewhere, but where, and how do I get it?  I don't understand
> where it comes in, when to start Procmail, etc. 

Well, on the same system I invoke procmail straight from
.fetchmailrc - suppposedly less satisfactory than letting sendmail
and procmail set up a relationship - but have you SEEN

>I can start Fetchmail
> and have it run in the background easily enough after booting.  How do
> I get the Mutt setup to find the mail file to work on, etc. I am
> totally lost. There really is no reference material on this in the
> Mandrake User Guide and Reference Manual.

Indeed!   Mutt and Procmail have good home pages and there is an
excellent Mutt reference manual and some good procmail tutorials.
But what I always find most helpful is a really well annotated
configuration file.  The page that helped me most is


where Telsa has useful .muttrc and .procmailrc files nicely

> Can somebody help me figure this out.

If you want to compare notes (I'm no expert) mail me direct



       * "The soul is greater than the hum of its parts. "  *
       *                 Douglas Hoftstatder                *

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