Alan Shoemaker wrote:

> KompuKit....replying to myself here (argh!).  Judging from the
> time it took this message to arrive back in my mail I guess
> that the uppercase 'N' is related to somehow slowing down the
> time it takes for the sick old server running this list to
> send back out the email it receives.  I've sent messages after
> this one but addressed with an uppercase 'N' instaed of with a
> lower case 'n'and it was back in my mail within an hour.  All
> while this message was languishing someplace on the tired old
> server (Wed, Thur, Fri & Sat.) for 4 days.
> I think maybe a higher priority needs to be placed on fixing
> this problem.
> Alan
> Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> >
> > KompuKit....I don't believe that an uppercase 'N' could
> > possibly be your problem.  Capitalization is irrelevant when
> > it comes to email addresses.  This message is addressed in all
> > lowercase.
> >
> > Alan
> >
> > KompuKit wrote:
> > >
> > > I've had a terrible time...trying to post to this list...
> > > and all the was because I was not capping
> > > the "N" in newbie,in the address....
> > > I guess...denis must have changed the addy...while back...
> > > because I used to be able to post using all lowercase.
> > > as a matter of last post I used lowercase...
> > > and that was June 10th...
> > > man, now I can finally start posting again...whew
> > > --
> > >            Registered Linux User:73821
> > > <===============    KompuKit    ===================>
> > > Kit Goins                              ICQ# 7110071
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           Lowell, Mass.
> > > Web Designer
> > > WebServer:
> > > (Server Runs between M-F 6pm-12am,S+S 12pm-12am EST)
> > > <===============    KompuKit    ===================>

Not only what you said, but, I am just getting some messages from other
"Newbies" that were posted on Monday, Tuesday ,  Wednesday, Thursday,
and Friday,  just this morning Saturday.  Some where a time warp?

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