Well, 7.1 is alot different from 7.0. The newest additions is the software
mostly. Installation is pretty much the same and so is the configuration.
But 7.1 set up all my hardware including zip driver, printer, etc...
Configuration is pretty much the same. But I LOVE xfree86 4.0. I think
its just way quicker then 3.3.6.

Mark Weaver wrote:

> I've got a question about 7.1. At the present time I'm running RedHat 6.2
> on one drive and on another I've got Mandrake 7.0 installed. I'm falling
> in love with Mandrake very quickly, but I'm noticing that it's not as easy
> to configure as RedHat was. Not to mention that some things don't install
> as well such as Star Office.
> My question is, is Mandrake 7.1 any better behaved than 7.0 and what's
> configuring it like?
> thanks,
> Mark

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