----- Original Message -----
From: Alan Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2000 3:13 PM
Subject: [newbie] Power failures whilst in LM

> Hi Friends
> 1. What safety measures/preventative action should I take to minimise the
> effects of sudden power failures.
> 2. I read somewhere that switching off the system without logging out in
> recommended manner (equivalent to a power failure) can/will (I'm not sure
> which) result in corruption of sys files rendering LM unbootable (or was
> that an exageration).
> 3. For example are there special keyboard inputs I can make to save that
> which is in Ram as I go along, say every 10 minutes.
> 4. Win will scan the disk and save corrupt or unlinked files - what does
> do in this situation.
> Thanks
> Alan (South Africa)

answer to 1 is buy an ups protection and plug your system in to it so that
in the event that you lose power

anser to 2 Switching off system when power is on can possible corrupt and
operating system see 1
> answer to 3 most applications have an auto save timer you can enable that

4.)  I do not know if you give more info on system than i make an educated

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