Thought of this, and did look around Seagate's web site, but didn't see

If anyone knows of a util for this, please let me know.



Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 11 Jun 2000, Tymanthius Rune Speak wrote:

>>I did a text install, and it simply bombed shortly after trying to detect
>>hd's.  I jumped thru the consoles, and found that it's having scsi parity
>>err's.  What I don't understand is why.
>Tried prior to that successful install w/ the scsi hd plugged in.  Didn't
>partition it, didn't format, nuthin'.  Froze at formating.
>Any further ideas?

If you know the brand of your SCSI disk, perhaps at the website of the
manufacturer you can find a low-level disk utility to check the disk. SCSI
parity errors sound like a nasty thing, perhaps the disk is not too
healthy and needs a low level format.


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