On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, Dennis Myers wrote:

> Ok, here's an easy one, (he said) I have downloaded a couple
> of .tar.gz files and would like to save them to a floppy or
> ten.  I have been through the two books  on  linux that are
> in my library, and can't find a way to do it.  I think my
> problem is again the Windows mentality getting in the way.
> So I may be asking myself the wrong question and looking in
> the wrong place in the books.  A little help here, and
> remember that your talking to a guy who spent an hour trying
> to get his pppd to come back up and it was a problem with
> the extension cord he was hooked up to. Ha!   Thanks ahead
> of time,   Dennis

If I understand your problem, you want to make multi-volume archives.
The most simple way I see to do that is to move all the files into one
directory, and make a multi-volume archive with tar :

   tar cMf /dev/fd0 directory/with/your/files

It should prompt you when you have to change the floppy.
Sorry if it fails. I never did that. I just can hope it will work.


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