Just installed Mandrake 7 this weekend - the install
went rather smooth (had to do it twice) - but those
were errors on my part.  

I have an Intel 810 video card with AGP - and cannot
seem to get the resolution or graphics just right with
it.  I have looked on some news groups and found
others with the same problem.  I can not seem to get a
better resolution that 640 x 800!  It works but that
is just a little too big for me.   Any suggestions?

If it matter - here is the run down on the rest of my

Dell Deminsion L500C
Celeron 500 mhz
64 mb ram
6 gig HD - linux has a 1.5 gig/ windows 98 has the
The video card is built into the mother board...

Any help you could send this newbies way would much be


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