Charles, I'm the other guy who was asking about getting a PCI modem to
be unbusy.  I'm only writing here because another guy said he still gets
the busy signal even after doing what you suggested (sure do appreciate
you turning me onto "setserial").

I think my problem, and possible that of the other guy, is that the
modem and sound system are sharing the same interrupt.  This makes no
sense at all to me as both work fine under Windows.  In spite of this,
when I query the devices in Windows I'm told that my modem isn't using
an IRQ at all but that the sound card is on IRQ9.  Within Linux it tells
me that both are using IRQ9.  There is something basic about PCI setups
that I don't understand I guess so I'm scratching my head, saying
"Hmmmmm..." a lot and largely getting nowhere.

To make matters worse, Windows just decided to scramble my FAT table so
I'm struggling with it.  I guess that was just a reminder why I want to
move to Linux (grin).  Thanks for your responses.

Cheers --- Larry

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