what club is it?  a couple of important questions here would be... how
many members, will the free website allow cgi and perl scripts? (most
free sites do not) how large a "database" are you considering and does
the data need to be relational or answer structural queries or will it
be a flat spreadsheet type of data. do you need 24/7 access? most of
what you are suggesting may be easest to do with password access to
subfolders, html tables, cgi and perl, but if the data has to be instant
updating (dynamic) you will need to have a server that allows CGI. you
can setup a dynmic DNS server from your own dial up connection to run
certain hours using some free services, but most ISP frown on your
staying connected 24/7 and will disconnect you daily. 
As far as composer, I have set up a type of listing using only HTML
tables and forms, and had the infromation sent via e-mail to my dialup
e-mail account, updating the tables from home and ftp the updated page
to my free webpage. (was kinda labor intensive for my tastes, and if you
want some info on how to set up your own dynamic dns web site, do a
search fo drangonmount networks and see what they offer


Darryl Gibson wrote:
> Hi list,
> A club I belong to wants to create a web site to track it's membership's
> status, attendance, activity participation etc...
> The club would like the web site to have the following features:
> Accessibility to all members, but not the world. (or just the top page
> open to the world, and the sub pages "hidden."
> Officers and designated members, can maintain and update the site, but
> not the general membership.
> The web page will be on a "free" ISP providers machine.
> Our Oracle guru passed on the project, so being the clubs Linux "guru,"
> and not knowing any better, I volunteered to take on the project.
> So today I went in search of a Linux database on Freshmeat, and MUO, and
> was dismayed not to find a database application. Nor did I find any
> apps. in KDE that would seem to fit the bill.
> Any suggestions on how I might accomplish this task?
> Can Netscape Composer handle this task, or do I need something more
> powerful?
> Do I need an HTML compliant database? CGI?
> Can Gnumeric function as a database?
> Darryl Gibson
> Linux Neophyte (tm)
> This computer is 100% Microsoft FREE

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