try going to and checking the discussion section.  i think i 
remember a thread being posted about the same problem your having (the 
blinking screen thing).  sorry, but that's the best i can do for you.  


>From: "Edison Gica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [newbie] LM 7.0 never worked right
>Date: Sun, 02 Jul 2000 14:30:44 HST
>Hi All:
>I have installed - reinstalled LM 7.0 many times already and it never 
>properly.  Every reinstallation gave a new set of problems.  I just don't
>know what's wrong.  All installations were done under 'Recommended' mode.
>I don't know whether I did something wrong or there's some incompatiblity
>with my Compaq computer.
>Here's how I started.  I bought a new 2nd HD for Linux.  Plugged it in my
>computer, and did not let Windows 98 touch the HD at all. I let Linux 
>it and the first message I got was it cannot read my HD coz it had many bad
>numbers.  Anyway, it still proceeded to install and my Linux was up and
>I first changed the resolution following the manual and it worked fine.  I
>even gave the same settings to someone who posted in this forum on how to
>set it on his Compaq and we had the same hardware and so far I had not 
>that he had any other problems.
>HOwever, after a few days when I boot to Linux the screen just starts
>blinking on and off.  I reinstalled and just left the resolution as is and
>still I get the same problem after a few days.  The screen just goes
>blinking on and off.
>After many reinstallations, I was able to run things and also the GMT
>(Generic Mapping Tools) program that I needed for my work.  So I just kept
>working and never shut down my computer for 10 days coz I was afraid that
>something might go wrong again with Linux.  Luckily I was able to get my 
>working (thanks for your help guys) and copied the output files I was
>working on. And then...booom!!  Linux just hang up!
>I was trying to logoff and go to superuser to do some changes on my GMT
>program, the thing just froze.  The mouse was still moving around but the
>message 'preparing session..' just stayed there and nothing happened.
>So I just turned off the power and when everthing boot up again. There, the
>screen just goes blinking off and on.
>Being a newbie and with very less info from the manuals, I'm just 
>lost on why LM 7.0 never worked properly on my computer.
>I would sincerely appreciate any help/suggestions from all of you.  My
>Compaq has the following:
>CPU: AMD K6-2 533 MHz
>RAM: 192MB (8MB occupied by Video card)
>Video card: Trident CyberBlade 3D (integrated to the motherboard)
>Monitor: Compaq MV520
>HD 1: Quantum lct10 (30GB, occupied by Windows 98)
>HD 2: Quantum Fireball (10 GB, occupied by Linux)
>ZIP: Zip drive through printer port
>modem 1: winmodem (for Windows)
>modem 2: US Robotics Sportster (for Linux)
>printer: Epson 740
>Further info: external modem works fine, printer is printing, zip drive was
>working, RAM identified by Linux, boots under Lilo, Bios does not support
>Power Management System.
>Recap: installating under 'Recommended' mode and not doing any other 
>just gives the same blinking screen after few days of installation.
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