Hello everybody.

Finally last weekend the MD7.1 download was completed (after about 60+ hrs of 
connection time). I installed it succesfuly. GRUB let me go beyond the 1047 cylinder 
and my connection to internet is working. I still have lots and lots to things to tune.

Ok, one of the things I couldn't resolve by my self is about my PPP connection to 
internet. If I want to connect I have switch user to Root and then go to 
drakconf/Network/PPP  and choose the connection I previously define. What I dont like 
about all this is that I have to enter root's password in order to launch drakconf and 
then several menu/icons entries later I get connected. Is there a way for a regular 
user (not root) to use a PPP conection and avoid all the menu/icons?

Thanks in advance.


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