The one thing about Windows that I liked more than in Linux was
installing programs. If you are honest most will admit that installing
programs in Linux can be both fustrating and exasperating.
  Well someone has at last shown a light at the end of the tunnel.
   Sun has released Star Office 5.2. I download it for both Windows and for
Linux. Yesterday I installed in Win2000 and today I decided to try the
install in Linux, hoping that it would not require to much hair pulling.
   Do you know what I had to do to get Star Office to install in Linux? I
had to click on the file. It actually had it's own installation program and
installed itself. The GUI was even the same as that used in the Win
installation. I was shocked. Happy but shocked. I had never before seen a
Linux program do this.
   My one hope now is that more companies and developers will follow Sun's
example and treat Linux users with the same degree of concern and support as
they show Window users.
    If you want to try it the URL is
The Linux download is 93MB and you need to run the installation program as
user not as root.

   Charles   :-)

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