Now here's a thing!

I installed 7.1 on my machine last week and it went beautifully,
everything worked. The best install EVER!  In particular KPPP worked!

Following a brief flirtation with XFree86 4, I re-installed -
yes, weep over my folly, but I did it partly because I wanted to
re-jig my partitions (and it was so much fun last time........)

Now here I am on my dial-up connection and I can connect up nicely
with a little shell script and send and download mail (postfix and
fetchmail) and lynx will take me wherever I want to go.

BUT  kppp dials up, logs in and then nothing - fetchmail will not
fetch, postfix will not post and lynx just sits on the rug and

I did something right last time that I've failed to do this time,
but can anyone tell me what it might be?


Glyn M

       * "The soul is greater than the hum of its parts. "  *
       *                 Douglas Hoftstatder                *

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