Alexander Skwar wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 08, 2000 at 02:48:25PM -0500, Benjamin Sher wrote:
> > It needs a special icon all to itself. That's how important it is.
> Important?  Well, I'm using Linux for ~3 years now, and since that time I
Dear Alexander and friends:

Who needs the SuperUser FileManager?

Well, I recall learning how to do file managing in xterm and the console
when I first started out in Linux about a year and a half ago. It's good
to know these things, and, for simple file managerment, I just su to
root and take care of business.

However, if you are trying to copy, move or delete large directories
(with many subdirectories), it is both much more convenient as well as
much safer to use the SuperUser FileManager. The fear of losing
EVERYTHING by typing the rm / command is enough in itself to justify
using the graphical SuperUser File Manager as root, not only for newbies
but even for experienced users. 

Linux-Mandrake is "the user-friendly OS", which it INDEED is. It's
fabulous. It would help the newbie to know about the SuperUser and to
have it prominently displayed and accessible, preferably as an icon on
the desktop or at least as a separate menu item as in LM 7.0. As they
say, an ounce of prevention...

Thank you.


> never used such a thing as a super user file manager.  I wouldn't even have
> noticed that one is there if you hadn't it mentioned it.  It's totally
> unimportant, and there isn't that much to do as root that a file manager
> would be any help of.  xterm + su whenever it's needed is good enough.
> > A follow-up question: From your experience, are there any anomalies or
> Don't know, never used it.
> Alexander Skwar
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