At 05:59 11.07.00, you wrote:
>Dave -
>The problem is that imwheel writes a file /tmp/ where it keeps
>track of the pid of imwheel so the "imwheel -k" command can be used to kill
>a currently running imwheel and start a new one.  imwheel has a nasty habit
>of leaving its pid file around and it sets the user and group to the user
>creating it and permissions to rw for only the user creating it.  So it
>sounds like you have an file in /tmp that only root and read and

hmm......the point not even able to start it the first time as 
so.....according what u said......i should be able to start it 
once..?.....dont i ?

>You have a couple of options.  Note this is all theory as I only run with
>one user id and "su root" when I need to so I haven't had your problem.

so every time u login with your user id and need imwheel u su and start it 
manually ?

>That said, you can "chmod a+rw /tmp/" and hope imwheel doesn't
>manage to delete it or your system cleanup doesn't delete it.  Or you can
>try using "imwheel -p" to forego writing the pid file.  Then you takes your
>chances that you don't end up running two copies of imwheel and making
>things act goofy.  This might happen if you put it in your autostart folder.
>A recent post about putting the imwheel command in the Xsession script might
>be a better idea for this option.  Lastly, you could write a script that
>starts imwheel and does the "chmod a+rw /tmp/" in case it is
>freshly created and put that in your autostart folder.
>- Ralph
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Quaylar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 10:54 AM
>Subject: Re: [newbie] Wheel Mouse Driver
> > At 11:41 10.07.00, you wrote:
> >
> >
> > hi harry/ralph
> >
> > i was trying too what ralph described, but for some reason i cant start
> > imwheel as user.....only as root.....
> > typing imwheel -k as user results in following :
> >
> > couldnt write pid to pid file : no permission
> >
> > i already changed permissions on /usr/X11R6/bin/imwheel* with chown and
> > chgrp <user>, also $HOME/.imwheelrc
> > but problem remains......
> > srolling with mousewheel as root user works pretty good-----would
> > appreciate doing it as normal user too.....
> >
> > hope u can help
> >
> > --dave

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