according to:
there is a tool for converting OE files to unix mbox format. I don't use OE or
Outlook so i can't speak to them

other choices might be:

1) use netscape mail at work.

 2) from work e-mail yourself at home. then at home use whatever MUA meets your
fancy to read the mail you forwarded to yourself. 

good luck...

Keith Robinson

 On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> Hey Viboon,
> > I am now using Windows at work and Linux at home.
> > I wonder what is the best Windows mail client that
> > I can use if I want to bring my mailbox data to
> > and from work/home?
> > Currently, I am using Outlook98 at work and 
> > NetscapeMail at home. What are some of you using?
> I for myself use The Bat ! <> under Windows. It
> fulfills all of my needs and looks great, too, but I am not sure about
> the compatibility. If you wish, take a look at it.
> Roman

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