Just my 2 cents but i prefer plain text. I normally handle around 200
emails a day on a server that limits me to 5meg of space. What this means
is that when people start sending me 50 to 100k emails that contain 2
lines of actual text and the rest is html code and midi sounds i get angry
because all my other emails get bounced back to the senders.

Next, the email client that i use does everything i need it too. Multiple
pop accounts, PGP, etc, etc. The only thing that chokes it is HTML. This
means that i have to save the message then open it in another client such
as netscape to read it. This is another annoyance.

Lastly and probably most importantly, i send emails to exchange
information with people. Not to send people nice background images and
music and border graphics, etc.

---Reply to mail from John Glasscock about [newbie] Text v. HTML messages on this list

> A correspondent made a plea, not an unreasonable one but one with which
> I may not entirely agree, that messages be posted in text only and not
> in HTML.  
> I, for one, find that with HTML one can be more expressive and
> informative in conveying important information.  I also believe that
> those who limit themselves strictly to text are not able to benefit from
> the richness that the web and discussion groups have to offer.  My
> analogy is the difference between color TV and black-and-white TV, or a
> book devoid of illustrations v. a plain typewritten page.
> Personally I don't understand the reluctance to embrace HTML.  However,
> I am prepared to be guided by the members of the list who may feel
> strongly about this issue one way or the other.  If you would like to
> send your comments to me over the next 5 days, I will summarize and post
> the results of this inquiry.
> -- 
> John Glasscock
> Administrator & Programmer
> EtherDog MultiMedia
> 3821 N Sugar Lane
> Bloomington, IN  47404
> tel:+1.812.876.5233
> fax:+1.508.256.2413
> Registered Linux User# 183536
> on Registered Linux Box# 81201
> "Save the world, eschew Microsoft."

---End reply

Ian K. Harrell

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