mp3s too! We have a little 386 computer with 8 megs on
our porch running redhat 6 (only because it is not a pentium
and doesn't have 32megs ram...otherwise it would be
Mandrake 7, like mine)...anyway can sit on the porch and
sign in to my Mandrake machine, as user, su to root, and
run mp3s from the command line (mp3s are all on my archive
hard drive - windoze drive).

It is way cool, sitting there listening to mp3s thru the stereo
from my computer upstairs, while stting on the porch and
enjoying the breeze!  While doing all that, can check mail
on another terminal window, via connection on my Mandrake
machine upstairs, while switching to another terminal window
and chatting on or downloading a file from some
ftp site or surfing the web (text style that is).  Is linux cool
or what!

We love it!


Paul wrote:

> On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Dennis Myers wrote:
> >Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:
> >
> >> I don't have sounds either (cannot play system sounds, wav files,
> >etc), but music CDs and avi videos have no problem: sound is perfect.
> >Try playing a CD, I didn't realized CD had sound until two weeks after I
> >installed Mandrake. Why CDs and avi files have no problem with sound? I
> >still don't know, I am trying to find out. > > Hugo
> >
> >Hugo, if you are running KDE or Gnome for a desktop go to settings ,
> >sound and check the enable box in the upper left of the window, select
> >your sounds and apply and you should have system sound.  Or did we
> >already give this a try?  Dennis
> Another option would be to just open an xterm and do
> play <path/name_of_wave_file>
> Yes, folks. Linux can play wav's without a graphical environment! :)
> Paul
> --
> You can't depend on your eyes
> when your imagination is out of focus.
> - Mark Twain
> )0(    [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]    )0(
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