
Sorry if this is repetetive, but I must have missed this earlier in the thread
- what version of mandrake did you install, what type of sound card do you have
and what driver is it using ?


Fran Parker wrote:

> mp3s too! We have a little 386 computer with 8 megs on
> our porch running redhat 6 (only because it is not a pentium
> and doesn't have 32megs ram...otherwise it would be
> Mandrake 7, like mine)...anyway can sit on the porch and
> sign in to my Mandrake machine, as user, su to root, and
> run mp3s from the command line (mp3s are all on my archive
> hard drive - windoze drive).
> It is way cool, sitting there listening to mp3s thru the stereo
> from my computer upstairs, while stting on the porch and
> enjoying the breeze!  While doing all that, can check mail
> on another terminal window, via connection on my Mandrake
> machine upstairs, while switching to another terminal window
> and chatting on or downloading a file from some
> ftp site or surfing the web (text style that is).  Is linux cool
> or what!
> We love it!
> Bambi
> Paul wrote:
> > On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Dennis Myers wrote:
> >
> > >Hugo GONZALEZ wrote:
> > >
> > >> I don't have sounds either (cannot play system sounds, wav files,
> > >etc), but music CDs and avi videos have no problem: sound is perfect.
> > >Try playing a CD, I didn't realized CD had sound until two weeks after I
> > >installed Mandrake. Why CDs and avi files have no problem with sound? I
> > >still don't know, I am trying to find out. > > Hugo
> > >
> > >Hugo, if you are running KDE or Gnome for a desktop go to settings ,
> > >sound and check the enable box in the upper left of the window, select
> > >your sounds and apply and you should have system sound.  Or did we
> > >already give this a try?  Dennis
> >
> > Another option would be to just open an xterm and do
> >
> > play <path/name_of_wave_file>
> >
> > Yes, folks. Linux can play wav's without a graphical environment! :)
> >
> > Paul
> >
> > --
> > You can't depend on your eyes
> > when your imagination is out of focus.
> > - Mark Twain
> >
> > )0(    [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]    )0(
> > -  ICQ 147208
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