Hello everyone.

Reading a magazine I found a place where security in internet is tested for your 
computer. This place is www.grc.com. I gave it a visit twice. Once under Linux and 
once under W98. I found the following info regarding open ports suceptible of being 
used by intruders.

Port   Service     Linux       W98
41     FTP         Open       Closed
23     Talnet      Open       Closed
27     SMPT        Open       Closed
79     Finger      Closed     Closed
80     HTTP        Open       Closed
110    POP3        Open       Closed
113    ident       Open       Closed
139    Netbios     Closed     Open
143    imap        Closed     Closed
443    HTTPS       Closed     Closed

What does this mean?

Is my Linux box (as is) more suceptible to be accessed by unwanted people than W98?

Do I have to use a firewall?

Is there something I am missing?

Am I getting paranoid?

Are these too many questions?     :)



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