> > I am running windows 2000 and have run into a problem with 7.1.  I ran a
> > triple boot with 2000, 98, and 7.0 for quite a while and had no
> > With 7.1 though something has changed... it would seem that something
> > the way they format their drives has changed.  Before the linux
> > showed up as unusable or damaged to win2k so it didn't bother with them.
> > Now they show up as being good and healthy.  You would think this a good
> > thing but the problem is that since they are showing up as good and
> healthy
> > win2k looks at them when I boot.  This makes my boot up time for win2k
> > from <30sec without 7.1 to about 5-10min with 7.1.

> I am running 7.1 with Win2k and, although Win2k sees the disk as healthy,
> the dual boot has not increased my boot time.  What exactly does it do
> it is booting that causes it to take a long time (eg. autocheck etc.)?

> It does nothing that I can tell...  Here is what I know... when I 7.1
> installed it hangs between the "preparing network connections" and the
> "login" screens for about 5 to 10 min.  It is like it is literally just
> hanging.  There are a few disk accesses everyonce in a while but other
> that nothing.  When I wax the linux partitions it boots up again just as
> fast as normal.

Do you have any odd entries in you event viewer?

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