
    Where did you sign up to recieve these emails?  could you give me the 
link please?  This is definatelly something to keep watching...

- Joe :)

>From: John Arkoulis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [newbie] Fwd: Steve Gibson's July/2000 News from GRC.COM ...
>Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 00:18:43 -0700
>What do you make of this??
>If it is true can those programs track you as you are surfing the net and
>downloading RPMs with Linux ??/
>----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
>Subject: Steve Gibson's July/2000 News from GRC.COM ...
>Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 23:35:48 -0800
>From: Steve Gibson's MailBot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hello Enigma,
>           The File Download Utilities from Real Networks,
>            Netscape/AOL, and NetZip *ARE* Spying On Us!
>Before I tell you about this latest threat to our privacy ...
>   I MUST ASK YOU PLEASE not to reply directly to this eMail. This
>   mailing is being sent to more than 325,000 people, so there is
>   JUST NO WAY for us to read and answer individual questions.
>   I have created two resources for you to use for follow up:
>   1. A comprehensive new page on my web site which discusses this
>      threat at greater length and shows the detailed contents of
>      a "spyware packet" as it was leaving a test machine of mine:
>   <a href= "" >File Downloaders</a>
>   2. A very active PUBLIC DISCUSSION FORUM which you are invited
>      to use for asking questions and getting more information.
>      Any standard Internet newsreader -- like those included in
>      Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator -- can be used to
>      participate in the free discussion forums at Just
>      click the link below to launch your reader and begin
>      participating ...
>   <a href= "news://" >The Newsletter Forum</a>
>      Or, if that doesn't work, you can access the forum through
>      our web-based interface (though it is much less cool.)
>   <a href= "" >Web Discussion</a>
>The SERIOUS New Spyware Threat ...
>   NetZip's "Download Demon" was purchased by Real Networks and
>   renamed "Real Download". then Netscape/AOL licensed it from
>   Real and called it "Netscape Smart Download."
>   By watching the "packet traffic" flowing out of one of my
>   machines while downloading a file through the Internet, I
>   verified the rumors which you may have heard regarding these
>   programs: All of these programs immediately tag your computer
>   with a unique ID, after which EVERY SINGLE FILE you download
>   from ANYWHERE on the Internet (even places that might not be
>   anyone else's business) is immediately reported back to the
>   program's source, along with your machine's unique ID *and*
>   its unique Internet IP address.
>      This information allows them to compile and create
>      a detailed "profile" about who you are based upon the
>      web sites you visit and the files you have downloaded.
>   Perhaps you don't mind being watched and tracked as you move
>   around the Internet ... and having every file you download
>   reported along with your unique ID and IP address.  But the
>   idea of this being done WIHTOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE, seems invasive
>   to me in the extreme. And even if you carefully read the
>   program's license, you might not be aware that this is going
>   on or that "you agreed to it" when you accepted their terms!
>   More than 14 Million people are already using the original
>   NetZip Download Demon. NetZip knows the exact number, since
>   every copy of their program "phones home" to report on what
>   their users are doing! And I'm sure people are downloading Real
>   Network's ReadDownload and Netscape's SmartDownload like crazy.
>   A Class Action lawsuit was recently filed against Netscape/AOL
>   because of this privacy invasion, so perhaps the PC industry
>   will begin to receive the message that this sort of secret
>   spying and profiling is not okay with the rest of us, even if
>   it is buried within a lengthy license agreement. You decide.
>   And, of course, the next release of my own OptOut spyware
>   detection and removal utility WILL consider these programs to
>   be dangerous, and warn its users of their presence in their
>   systems. But I wanted to be sure that you knew RIGHT AWAY what
>   was going on, and that I had independently confirmed that this
>   invasive file download and trackability really was occurring.
>   Our web page has the FULL STORY, with plenty of background:
>   <a href= "" >File Downloaders</a>
>   And if you have questions or comments, please see ...
>   <a href= "news://" >The Newsletter Forum</a>
>   ... or ...
>   <a href= "" >Web Discussion</a>
>Thank you for your time. I hope this has been useful to you.
>Steve Gibson.         <a href= "" >GRC Website</a>
>You may change your eMail address or remove yourself from this
>eMail system entirely, by visiting your personal page anytime:
><a href= "" >Update Info</a>
>Windoze is a virus with a user interface.
>This message was created with Linux

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