On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, cjulwelling wrote:

Hello Charles,

>heh heh... I have had about the exact opposite luck as you.  7.0 died all
>the time on me where as 2000 has never crashed once... for me and I've had
>it running for as much as 2 months at a time before rebooting it to go into
>another OS.  I don't understand and perhaps you can enlighten me ( I missed
>the post to which you are replying ) why someone who feels windows2000 is
>better than linux needs to get a life?  You obviously feel that linux is

First off, the "get a life" is a quote from something that Alexander Skwar
wrote. I am trying to get a life myself, if someone else is inclined to do
so, then (s)he should initiate that her/himself.

I think it is very much a matter of hardware that determines what OS will
run best on it. My machines are very plain and standard, Win runs on it,
Linux runs on it. Win98 seems very messy to me in respect to
uninstalls. Win2000 has, as I wrote, not survived long. Linux works
wonderful. I always say that you have to use what you like and what you
can handle. I know someone who chugs along happily with a 286, dos 3.3 and
a matrix printer. No problem.

>better than windows2000 but does that mean that those who feel win2k is
>better are retarded, and those who feel linux is better are smart?  You will
>probably say yes.  I personally run them both because I can recognize that
>they both have weaknesses and strengths and I also enjoy having 4 OS's on my
>computer( Be, Linux, 2k, 98). : )

I say not yet, I say not no. But then, I hope I have made _my personal
point_ above. I do not speak for the others on the list, nor can I, nor do
I want to.


>-----Original Message-----
>On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Alexander Skwar wrote:
>>On Sun, Jul 16, 2000 at 07:42:15PM -0500, Gil Baron W0MN wrote:
>>> After my troubles with 7.1 I have about the same feeling. I am doing this
>>> a learning experience and something to play with. It is obvious that for
>>> serious work for the home user, LINUX is NOT there yet. Maybe some day.
>>Yeah, right.  And Windows is ready?  Come on, get a life.

Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser.

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