On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Michael Khachiki wrote:

>HI all
>can any one tell me what is the difference between Unix and Linux scripts? I
>have made small Unix script and it works... but the same script wouldn't
>work on Linux. I am perplexed on why would the same script work on one OS
>and not on the other.
>Can any one tell me if /bin is the right place to store scripts?

There are all kinds of small differences in the several unix flavors. At
work I have Prime unix boxes and also HP9000 HP-UX boxes. Both Unix, but
can't swap scripts.

I would store personal scripts in something like $home/bin and add that
directory to my path. For system-wide scripts I have added a /scripts
directory to the system path.


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until you can find a rock.

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