On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Tim wrote:

>I can dial up but, *nothing* "works" online, i.e., Netscape starts fine,
>with the local page on my HDD; but, if I click on anything, like the
>link to the online Mandrake page, I get the following errors, in two
> Netscape: Error <2>
>  Netscape is unable to locate the server
>  www.linux.mandrake.com.
>  Please check the server name and try again.

Hello Tim,

You need to set up your /etc/resolv.conf
Check http://nlpagan.net/linux.htm, at the bottom there are a bunch of
tips that I put there for questions like this. They come up so often. I
hope this gets you started.


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- Franklin P. Jones

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