On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, Kandace Little wrote:

>I have a Compaq Presario AMD 533 Mhz with 128mb Ram and 20 Gig. HD.
>model number is 7479. I am having great troubles getting Linux 7.0 to
>on this machine. I had to format it twice because all I got when I rebooted
>zero's and one's filling up the screen. I tried to boot off of the disk and
>then to
>the CD but I can not get pass the disk they gave me. I tried to make my own
>disk as the instruction told me but the program that makes the disk did not
>work, give me an error not sure what just now.


On http://www.linuxnewbie.org/nhf/intel/osbooting/lilo_dual.html there is
an extensive article on dual booting.
The problem should not be the HD, if your BIOS sees it, then Linux does

For more tips on Linux: http://nlpagan.net/linux.htm

Good luck

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