for straight up firewall I'm pretty damn happy with

check it out!

--- Joe Brault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
>     In the last few days I have seen many postings
> on the list pertaining to 
> different firewall software that is based on Linux. 
> I am looking to set up 
> my own firewall for my computers at college, and I
> am wondering which of 
> these programs I have heard about would work
> better...   So far I have heard 
> of Freesco, and Fireplug.
>     I would like to create a firewall (separate
> computer if that is better) 
> that will protect my windows and Linux boxes ( I
> have a dual boot desktop 
> and laptop).  I would still like to be able to use
> the Internet fully and 
> play games, as well as Telnet or FTP into the other
> box from somewhere on 
> campus (with my laptop) if I ever need to.
>     As far as I can tell, my university (Southern
> Illinois University at 
> Carbondale) has no firewall for the students
> connected to the network...  I 
> know very little about networks and how they work,
> so even after I have read 
> the manuals on Freesco and Fireplug, I am still very
> lost as to how to 
> proceed.  I would ideally like my computers to not
> be seen by the outside 
> world :)  If anyone knows which program (freesco or
> fireplug, or another 
> one) would do what I am looking for, I would greatly
> appreciate the input.  
> Also, some quick info on what my firewall box should
> have in it would be a 
> plus :)  Thanks in advance and sorry for the long
> posting!
> - Joe :)
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