On Sun, 23 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> I have been visiting www.grc.com for quite some time under Windoze98 & checking it 
>out.  Steve's site is wonderful -- if you use Windoze98 or such, you should check it 
>out & explore some of the software Steve recomends.  I have not been there under  
>Linux (haven't gotten connected yet, still working on that).
> As to your "open" ports, I would expect that yes, it means you have a security 
>problem.  I'm not sure if Steve's security check is "geared" to Linux (does it really 
>matter???  I don't know).  You might send him an email & ask.
> Since this is a newbie list (and I'm one of 'em), if you are not familier with 
>internet security issues, this is a great place to learn.
> practice safe computing....

Try visiting www.nessus.org ...

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