My system is setup the same way, with Win98 and Win2000 on hda, and Linux 
on hdc.  With Mandrake 7.0, I was using LILO to boot either Linux or 
"Windows" - the NT boot loader - from which I could select either version 
of Windows.  I tried installing 7.1 both as an upgrade (once) and as a New 
Installation (three times).  Prior to doing that, I had installed System 
Commander, and made sure I could boot into Windows with it.  Then I 
disabled Sys Commander, and proceeded to install 7.1 - and that's when my 
wonderful adventures with GRUB first began.  I still need to use a boot 
floppy to access Linux.  I am thinking of trying another distribution, 
which hopefully will handle these matters more gracefully.


At 09:47 PM 7/23/00 -0400, Charles wrote:
>    My reference to installing Lilo on hdc was if you were using SC to boot
>your OSes not if you were going to use Lilo to do so and even then you have
>to manually add it to SC.
>    I also have a triple boot system. My main boot loader is Grub. It gives
>me the boot options of linux, safe, windows, or floppy. If I choose to boot
>Windows it gives me the Win 2000 bootloader where I can choose to boot
>either Win2000 or Win98.I installed in this order 1)Win98 then 2)Win2000 on
>one hd and then 3)7.1 on a second hd.
>    There will be those who say they use it all the time, but Please if you
>are running Win2000 and definitly if you are using the Win2000 bootloader Do
>Not use fdisk/MBR it will wipe the 2000 boot loader. But that puts us
>between a rock and a hard place because you can not remove(uninstall) Grub
>from within Linux as you can Lilo you have to use fdisk/Mbr.
>    I have a couple more questions if you don't mind.
>1) When you were running 7.0 which were you using as your main bootloader SC
>or Lilo?
>2) Did you install 7.1 as an upgrade or as a New Installation?
>    2a) If you did as a New install did you remove Lilo prior to the
>installation and verify that Win would still boot. Or if using SC disable it
>and see if Win would boot.
>Even though you had disabled SC I still think that your miss-adventure was
>caused by the fact that Grub needed to install in the drive space already
>occupied by SC.

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