I have installed mdk7.1 on a 233MMX, 128mb, 15gb Intel platform. KDE works great. Got a home network, access router, cable modem, works pretty darn well, easy to set up, Webmin works from G4mac and WIN98 machines on the local net. Even though I've never messed with Linux before this, I thought it was pretty easy and straightforward, with a lot of info learned from reading everyone's messages here. 
One minor irritation:
Whenever I run linuxconf, it comes up in a window as a sort of menu-driven text interface. Does anyone know how to allow/it/force it to run in the cool-looking gui featured in all the screen shots on the Mandrake Web site?
In linuxconf, under "features" I have enabled the gui, and I have tried the command line "linuxconf --gui" without any success.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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