Paul wrote:

> You can mount both types, but only one at a time.
> Paul

Hi Paul. You did say (in an earlier message) that I could try another
line in /etc/fstab, in addition to the regular vfat line, right? Some
thing like:

/dev/hdd4       /mnt/zip        vfat     user,noauto    0 0
/dev/hdd1       /mnt/zip        ext2     user,noauto    0 0

I'll try that as soon as I logoff. BTW, some people are wondering why
the bother, why not just stick with vfat since it works cross-platform
and the answer is; well-I want to be able to backup all my .* files in
my home directory, and not lose all my permissions. Isn't the ext2 fs
more efficient than vfat/DOS anyways?

Thanks again!


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