On Sat, 12 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Hi pete,
> I've used it too and I like it, although I've noticed that gFTP gives
> about the same functionality at a fraction of the cost. it's free!
> -- 
> Mark

   My turn, Downloader for X ( nt-1.17-1mdk....rpm, on your local
cooker mirror ).  Simplicity, accuracy, resumes, retries, que up a
bunch, tell it how many at a time... just absolutely my favorite d/l
manager.  Copy a link to the clipboard and it pops up a window,
click OK, and you're on you're way to a bulletproof d/l.  I suspect
it's just a simple FE for wget ;)  Russian made I believe.  Also
highly recommended by the Mandrake developers (which is where i
first heard of it)

   My other favorites for bulletproof grabbing of binaries,

 'pan' for newsgroups (.mp3's, I like 60's and country),
   (IMNSHO)  it's better than Forte Agent at this 'cause it's
    simpler.  Use the i686 rpm from pan's site, it's better than
    the cooker rpm. I also find it a great newsreader for
    discussion groups.  The quality of the Usenet feed your ISP
    provides is a big variable here.

 'Xcollector' for .jpg newsgroups (naked ladies on the playboy
    NG's, YMMV ;>  Let it run a few nights and you'll havt'a go out
    and buy a CD-RW ;)  Same ISP comment as above applies. Yours is
    most likely better than mine tho, since all Arkansas ISP's only
    think they've got it goin on. They need to get out more ;)
    Like down to Texas ....

 'knapster', too bad it's fixin to be history :(  I'm still tryin 
   to figure out Gnutella, et al, but the mp3 NG's are still seem to
   be the best alternative.   MOF, a lot of Nap files seem to be
   originally from the NG.mp3 bin groups AFAICT, eg,

  A BIG benefit to using these apps rather than NS (I use Kmail
   also), is that if you remove Communicator, and just leave
   Common and Navigator, disable all java, Nutscrape hardly ever
   crashes as just a browser  (knock on wood)

~~   Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> **  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed     | 
> ** <_||_> in the making of this               |
> **  =\/=  message...                  | Registered Linux user #182496
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Sat, 12 Aug 2000, Pete Clapham wrote:
> > Hi, all --
> > 
> > I know there's been some discussion of IglooFTP-PRO, where some purists have
> > suggested it isn't the greatest thing since sliced windows, but I have to say
> > that I just donwloaded it, and it works at least as well as the best graphic
> > FTP I had run into previously (FTP-PM  on OS/2).  Significantly, I can download
> > files I couldn't do in Netscape, and it provides navigation aids not available
> > on the command-line version -- which I will continue to use for many things.  
> > 
> > This is a have program.
> > 
> > pete
> > 
> >

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