It was not my intention to become part of this silly "is it an operating 
system thread" but since you've demonstrated yourself as being one of the 
reasonable, and knowledgable folks here  I'll comment further.

>   i don't agree.  I believe most linux users, new or not so new,
>still dual boot, i do.  In that context, and considering 99.9999% of
>new users come from windoze, I believe it's entirely on-topic,
>'specially on a 'newbie' list, to discuss every facet of the
>process of converting from windoze/or going entirely linux, and the
>differences. just my NSHO.  I'm of course willing to bend to the

Let it be written, let it be done :-)  This should be THE definition of 
what is/isn't on/off topic.  Note, however, that you said "process of 
converting", not a debate about what windoze is/isn't.  It's largely 
irrelevant to "converting" as I'm sure you'd agree.  I know I'm starting to 
split hairs here but it also doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that 
the current thread has long since run its course and it has started to get 
(not your involvement) heated...and a complete waste of time.

>    don't quite agree again.  it's just as well that people see
>there's nothin but opinions expressed here, advice should be
>suspect, prob'ly subjective.

Possibly I don't understand this conference.  I subscribed, and have seen 
many others express that they subscribed, when I installed Linux on my 
machine and wanted to know more about it.  If this is a general conference 
for the discussion of all things computer then fine, let's just deal with 
opinions on any topic.  What do you think of wireless communications?  Is 
Linux better suited to Handheld devices than Windows?  What will the year 
2010 bring?  But if it's supposed to be about helping people establish 
Linux as their operating system of choice, shouldn't "opinions" be 
constrained to those that help people "in the process of converting..."?

Just to remain "on topic", has anyone here gotten a SupraMax 56i PCImodem 
to function under Linux?  It's not a Winmodem but the standard advice 
(using setserial) for getting it acknowledged by Linux (Mandrake 7.0 or 
RedHat 6.2) doesn't seem to work.

Cheers --- Larry

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