> since I actually received six (seven, if you count an undeliverable
> notice) replies,

   You can ignore those, they're just bounces off of various
undeliverable addresses that remain subscribed to this list.

 I will just reply to my initial message to thank you
> all for the information. Thank you all 8^). Since my wife's Linux
> experience can be counted in days, I'm not sure how deal with this on a
> regular basis. What do you think? run top and kill the processes each
> day when I come home from work? Delete Netscape from my computer? Any
> other suggestions?
> Hugo
> Aloha, Oregon

   Most, including myself, believe NS is still the most viable
browser currently available for Linux. Also that the best way to
avoid problems it still has, is to not use it for mail and news. 
To do that, uninstall netscape-communicator, keep netscape-common
and netscape-navigator. Also, to avoid crashes and, as in your case
endless looping, go to NS's edit|preferences|advanced and disable
anything that says 'java'.  This will also cure a big security
problem NS has, whether you have a bulletproof firewall or not.

   You're hardware is at risk when ld-linux.so.2 goes awry. It will
cause your cpu's internal core to increase significantly. Left
'untreated', and if your system cooling is marginal or inadequate,
harware failure is risked.  I wouldn't let the situation go till
you got home.  It should be easy enough to show your wife how to
kill ld-linux.so.2.  
~~   Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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