Cindy Bartorillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 08/16/2000 09:09:08 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                           
 cc:      (bcc: Lonny Selinger/SaskPower)                     
 Subject: [newbie] Re: Mail Program                           

>    Most, including myself, believe NS is still the most viable
> browser currently available for Linux. Also that the best way to
> avoid problems it still has, is to not use it for mail and news.

Pine of course has always been the most powerful mail program for Linux,
I used it religiously years ago, but nowadays a text-only program just


So far the most configurable mail *client* program I have found is
mutt....catch being "ALL mail clients suck...ours just sucks less"
The ability to configure every aspect of mail received as well as
incorporate things such as fetchmail for sorting and notification is an
awesome plus. Also the fact that you are only limited by what you include
in your .muttrc file. I disagree that text only mail clients are not
sufficient, what else do you need it to do? mutt has no problems with
attachments (so far in the 5 years I have been using it) as long as the
sending program knows how to handle the MIME encapsulation properly.
Belonging to numerous mailing lists requires a very strong filtering client
(along with a very strong mail server) to properly handle 100's of messages
a day, so if filtering is important and you need to get very granular with
it, mutt accommodates this.

Lonny Selinger

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