Just to let every one know the way to change the root password if you forget it (or
for some other reason) is to at the the LILO (I use LILO becuase it is better, I
think) prompt type

linux 1

then run 'passwd' and change any of the passwords on the system.

You realy don't want people doning this so in the file /etc/lilo.conf add the
following lines


then because this file is world readable ,which means any unprivliged user can
change it, at the command line type

chown root.root /etc/conf
chmod 600 /etc/lilo.conf

Beware, once you use these precautions, if you forget you root password or you root
password, you will have no option but to reinstall.

Also I think it is a good idea to turn the bios password on and set the boot
sequence to C, CDROM, A so that a floppy can not be used to boot your system.

Mark Hillary

Gary wrote:

> > Does anyone know how to find out what a lost password is?
> >> I don't think you can, as a security precation. You just have to set a
> >> new password.
> The way Linux is setup (unless changed by hand) passwords are shadowed and
> encrypted with SH-5, so there absolutely is no way to find out what the password
> is.  Best is to over write as previously mentioned.
> Really, anybody with access to your box can change the superuser (root)
> passwd.  It is not difficult!
> --
> Best regards,
> Gary

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